Imagine this: you have a profession, or at least a job... You're lucky! God has given you collegues, an income and good health :)! Yet there are so many in the church that are disabled, have a work related injury, are unemployed or are refugees seeking asylum as well... Each one of these stand in faith for their health and a second chance and they suffer from not being able to take care of themselves... We pray that they will all have a chance of employment and a life where they wake up to an alarm clock beeping that they are needed.
A work place is truly a blessing! Thank God that you can provide for yourself and thank Him that He has placed you in your community! Pray for your employers or your employees! You make a difference! You shine! You are the hands, feet, eyes and ears of Jesus today! that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky...
Phil 2:15
See ya!