I have just finished three days of teaching at FBO (Filadelfia Bible School, Oslo) – it was so much fun! Today 15 hungry students were baptized in the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues during the last class!
I have taught on Power Evangelism – day 1; the Holy Spirit and Love- day 2; the Holy Spirit your GPS, day 3; the gifts of the Holy Spirit…
I’m meditating on the life of the Spirit, his revolution and manifestation in my life and ministry – the first 20 years… The law of the Spirit of life leads me closer to Jesus every day and my longing for holiness and the fear of the Lord are growing…
The Spirit leads away from and sets free from alcohol, cursing, prestige but also fear, legalism and condemnation have to bow to the flood of the Holy Spirit! The Law of the Spirit sharpens us and we want to live pure, beautiful and in a way that pleases our Lord with the help of the flood that’s inside of us!
See ya!