According to Wikipedia a value can be either sociologically, psychologically or culturally based. A value is usually the result of a philosophical, religious, or economical study that has been thoroughly contemplated, all according to most definitions and analysis. Values are formed over long periods of time and then dictate our choices, priorities as well as our actions as we face tough decisions.
Personally, I have tried to base my values on the absolutes found in the Bible. Since the day I became a Christian there has been an ongoing radical value revolution in my mind and way of life. The sociological and cultural traditions in our nation truly need to change, be reformed and placed under the ethics, moral and philosophy of the Bible. The value reformation as well as the so necessary Christian cultural revolution are both most often set in motion through Bible based preaching, an outpouring of the Spirit and genuine revival movements!
An Apostolic and apologetic revolution in our nation is a must, but only as a result of a truly spiritual, genuine, and Jesus centered revival movement! The apologetic work without the Spirit of Life becomes legalistic and dry intellectual puffs of air. Repentance, salvation miracles, powerful baptisms in the Spirit and miracles for the entire family that then all lead to a radically changed way of life with the Law of the Spirit of Life as guide is something that we all should strive for and with all our might fight for.
A revival movement will generate temperance movements, new political parties, Christian media channels that are salt as well as news channels. Revival Christianity and the ministry of the Evangelist need to be marked up on the value tree because the simple gospel contains the dynamite power that can and will change people and a nation!
God give us a revival breakthrough in Sweden!
See ya!
God give us a revival breakthrough in Sweden!
See ya!