Epaphras, who is one of you and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends greetings. He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured.
Col 4:12
The title is an old well-known Christian saying that have been used for centuries... A saying that speaks about a peace that comes from praying for a long time, battleing and doing warfare prayer... Pastors, missionaries and leaders of SOS believe in and practise this kind of prayer and know what difference a real prayertime has in our daily lives, church building and the in the spiritual world!

The night between Friday - Saturday (April, 9-10) from 10pm to 2am we will be worshipping, praying and doing war in the heavens as a church. Anxiety, worries and troubles have to give way for the peace of the Spirit, faith and visionary reassurance. We need to pray through! In a very busy week we take time to seek God's face and give it all over to Him! I'm gonna work out now, meet some seeker-friends and then try to buy shoes...
See ya Friday night!