My domestic flight (Buddha Air) from Kathmandu to Butwal was cancelled due to a hail storm in the Himalayas yesterday afternoon... I had to work quite hard to go get to the pastor seminar that started this morning at 9 AM. A sea captain at an oil tanker, Rushan Gupta, and I together with three security guards (all from Nepal) rented a jeep together and split the cost :). They had worked abroad for a long time and were now on their way home to celebrate the Hindu new year... Today is the first day of their new year, 2067, everybody is happy and wishing everyone happy new year... I arrived at my hotel at 3 AM and got to sleep about 3 hours after a 40 hour trip... Received new hindu friends and two of them promised that they'd come listen to me preach at the festival :).
Today Gerry Stoltzfoos, Lance Stoddart and I have taught 200 leaders from India and Nepal - so great and wonderful! This is really unreached people's mission! There's never been a Jesus-festival arranged here in Butwal, everything is so Hinduistic and untouched virgin land. Exciting!
A local tailor took my measurements today and will sew a traditional Nepali vest for me that I'll wear when I preach at the opening festival meeting tomorrow night!
See ya!
See ya!