I'm teaching Ever Increasing Faith at MCM Ministry School in Pittsburgh (SOS US Branch Campus) Tuesday - Friday this week... Leading prayer school, getting paper work done and having lunch with pastor friends..
I'm enjoying serving in the Kingdom of God, this is actually my 19th year as a preacher, preached my first sermon the summer of 1991... In June 1991 I started as a full time minister, the years fly by... I am full of energy and very hungry for what the future holds... I have learned a lot these last couple of years and know what to focus on the next coming 10 years... I don't want to drain myself on the wrong things... I believe I've matured both as spiritual leader and as a person... Thank you God that You never give up on us, but continue to work on us all the time... You become broken in a good way as the years pass. I love God more, I need my wife and kids in a deeper way and I appriciate and recognize faithful friends and coworkers and do not take anyone's loyalty and friendship for granted any more... I guess you become a little scarred and threadbare, not bitter but instead deeply grateful for everything that God has done and do, despite all our faults and shortcomings...
I went to the movies with my kids yesterday afternoon and my beloved Maria and I have had many looong conversations the last couple of days. We have cried a lot, hugged and found peace in God together... Maria is the most precious on this earth...
God is good!
See ya!
See ya!