Mar 5, 2010

Deep Sea Fishing

Yes! SOS is deep sea fishing in Stockholm city and among the unreached people groups of the world... To fish in different churches is kinda like fishing at home in the bath tub, or maybe at the local swimming pool at best... The fish you catch in a church has almost always been caught by someone else before, and it's almost as boring as fishing in a put and take lake...

In the fifth chapter of the gospel of Luke and the first eleven verses, Jesus challenges Peter to go deep sea fishing... Peter catches so much fish that the net are about to burst and he has to give half of it away so that his boat won't sink...

Deep sea fishing is our destiny! Lots of fich our motto! Generosity our DNA!

I'm looking forward to our festivals in Nepal and Tanzania this spring! Looking forward to a months deep sea fishing in Stockholm before then!

This weekend I preach five services in Pittsburgh and Gettysburg, it will great!

See ya!