Oct 21, 2014

Family - Our Greatest Gift

It is easy to take people for granted and stop to appreciate the people that are the closest, and instead be annoyed by each others little differences. Don't let that suitcase that is always sitting by the entrance, or the kids laundry on the floor, or the kitchen cabinets that are ALWAYS left open blind your eyes so that you miss the obvious - YOU have the best family in the world. Family, because it is your home, your fortress and security. The best in the world, because it is yours and only yours. A happy marriage and harmonious family is not created by itself. On the contrary, it needs hard persevered work, but the reward is great.

To live in a happy marriage and have kids who do well and are happy is nothing we can take for granted. If we can learn to understand our partner and prioritize the relationship in the midst of the stressful weeks, we are building up a backup that will make the relationship bloom even in hard times. Times of sickness, sorrow or stress will unfortunately hit us at some time, but if we have made investments in the good times, then even these hard times can lead to something that will grow the relationship. It is of course so much easier to raise sound kids that are ready to meet the world independently in a happy and harmonious family. And the every day life will also be so much more fun if you enjoy being with each other.

Johannes and I have had countless conversations with couples about marriage over the years. From the giggly bride and bridegroom to be, where everything has a pink shimmer and life feels like a great lovely adventure, to the tired parents of preschoolers that are trying to get the life puzzle together. Or teenage parents who are seeking advice and support in tough periods, or spouses that are falling apart from each other. Our goal has always been to give down-to-earth advice based on the Word of God. We have now compiled all these experiences into this book; The Best Family in the World. Of course we do not have all the answers, but we do believe that these down-to-earth, firm pieces of advice that are given in the book could be a help to the one that is looking for a partner, on your way to be married or need guidance on how to better the relationship.

Start your Christmas shopping early this year: order The Best Family in the World here!

/Maria Amritzer