Sep 25, 2013

Apostolic Provocation!

Do not move an ancient boundary stone
    set up by your ancestors.
Prov 22:28

If there were no boundaries, no one would know what Sweden or Norway was. If there were no traffic rules we would have constant chaos on our roads and lots of fatal accidents. If there was no law book, we would live in anarchy, always afraid of violence and robbery. Democracy, the military force and police maintain both order and security for the citizens. Without boundaries, yes, nos and right and wrong there is nothing that is holy, absolute and reliable.

... for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason.
Rom 13:4b

The Bible is the truth and the church is the supporting pillars and foundation of truth.

... God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.
1 Tim 3:15b

The Bible contains the holy and eternal marks and absolutes for the entire creation and human race.

All Scripture is God-breathed...
2 Tim 3:16a

That is why the church becomes provocative without having to do or say anything provocative. The disciples of Jesus are the salt in the decay, the light in the darkness and the city on a hill. An Apostolic, i.e, a New Testament church who has the first Christians and the book of Acts as role model, will automatically be a provocation. An Apostolic church challenges a humanistic and atheistic society just by existing.

When the church then starts to live and disciples baptized in the Holy Spirit start to roar, the scrambling starts! Oh my! Why are the Christians all of a sudden more than just a museum or a nice association? Oh my! What is happening? They are taking part of political debates! They are setting the tone, they are educating their people, they are entering politics, they are influencing and grabbing hold of stuff! What will happen now?! They were supposed to die out slowly, these dorky, lame Christians... No! Atheists scream in panic! On the contrary, the church is rising up like a slumbering giant!

Then the Lord awoke as from sleep,
  as a warrior wakes from the stupor of wine.
 He beat back his enemies...
Ps 78:65-66a

The Christians are multiplying themselves, starting companies, refugee camps and rehabilitation centers. They are working in the criminal justice department, care facilities and schools. They are starting more churches and are gaining back lost ground! But even more, they are conquering new virgin land by sending missionaries to the unreached people groups! An Apostolic provocation is growing into a movement that neither the devil or people can stop...

Come pray with us this Friday at Warfvinges Väg 26 in Stockholm and come celebrate Jesus with us at Norra Latin at 4 pm on Sunday!

See ya!

Sep 19, 2013

Clearness is Security

All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.
(Jesus in Matt 5:37)

When Maria and I try to raise our kids it's not just important that they learn to obey and show respect, but to also understand how and why... This wasn't as important when they were little as when they are teenagers. We have to be extremely clear and motivate why we believe what we believe in av very thought-through, united and reinforced way, in order for them to feel secure.

When I discipline my German Shepherd  Tyson, it's not just about meatballs, being all mushy and love... My body language, tone of voice and posture have to breathe security, clearness and an iron will, or the beast will take over...:)

As Christian leaders are both parents, trainers and shepherds. Jesus meant that being unclear is of the devil. He said that a "yes/no" answer is from the evil one. The priest has to dare to say exactly what the Bible says with no "round-about-way". The pastor has to dare to say a clear yes or no and not wiggle himself out of the situation like a politician under pressure during an election... We do not lose anything by being clear when meeting with our non-Christian friends, on the contrary. All of a sudden you are the one to trust. You are worthy of listening to because you are different and stand for that. Clearness is wanted! Being clear  and love is a strong combination that gives security!

See ya!

Sep 9, 2013

Did Life Turn Out the Way You Wanted?!

I'm sitting in my yard enjoying the hot Swedish Indian summer... Drinking coffee, reading the newspaper Expressen and cuddling with my German Shepherd. I have just finished an intense hunting week and have already eaten two deer casseroles... Soon moose hunt... I have two months off work. Why? Are you on sick leave? No! I have saved . I have chosen to live now. So, what do you do? Are you writing a new book? No! I sleep, walk in the woods, drink coffee and enjoy life... Life is actually really good! Of course I will write more, preach more etc... But, not now. Everything has its time. I have chosen to take some time off now, when Sweden is the most stressed out :).

Reflecting over that noting just happens. I don't believe in fate. I believe in a good God and man's own responsibility to make the right decisions according to the Word of God and the calling for his life. Will the US go into Syria with military force? Will the new government in Norway be politically to the right with Erna Solberg as Prime Minister? Huge decisions will be done these coming days that will affect many lives and futures. That's life. That's the way it's always been. Right or wrong decisions will always have consequences. That is why it is so important to read the Bible and faithfully follow your heart and conscience to do what is right. Yours and my choices might seem less significant than those of President Barak Obama's, but  never the less, they determine your future. Should I go back to school? Should I make a career change and give my time and effort someplace else? Should I plan to rest more? Should I start saving so I can go on missions trips? Should I start working out regularly? Etc... Etc...

Life becomes what you choose for it to become! Nothing just happens. The quicker you understand this, that you can actually influence your life and future, the better. Don't just go with the flow. Don't let the years run past you. Happen! Do! Be brave! God is for you!

- I have decided to spend more time and more intense time with my God!
- I have decided to make more disciples to Jesus in Stockholm and to the ends of the earth!

- I have decided to be happy with my wife and my kids!
- I have decided to rest more, fish more and hunt more!
- I have decided to be happier and laugh more!

What choices have you made?!

See ya!

Sep 6, 2013

Moshi Tanzania!

SOS will be taking a team to Moshi, Tanzania in November for another Signs & Wonders Festival in this nation that we've all come to love! Maybe it's your turn to join the team? We need you! E-mail us today!

 See ya!