Oct 10, 2013

The Family is Holy!

The Holy Spirit whispered to me many years ago... He said, When you are building church, teach this:

1) Signs and wonders
2) Marriage and family
3) Finances and businesses

Of course all spiritual leaders have to follow their heart
and find their own way when it comes to building the Kingdom of God here on earth. But I think that my blog-readers would agree that all these ingredients and building blocks are very important and essential.

Signs and wonders. Prayer and answer to prayer. Miracles and God-interventions in our every day life are closely connected with our relationship to God. Why would we otherwise be believers and go to church?!

The family is the foundation for both the church and our community and without a doubt the biggest amount of trust given to us as adults. To live in a life-long, happy relationship as a couple and raise sound and harmonious kids is something almost everyone seeks after and wants to accomplish.

Finances and businesses is all about making a living, having something to do and creating. We all live in the harsh reality here on earth and need to seek God's guidance in order to take the right path and not fail.

God wants us to live in overflow! God wants us to succeed in these three areas! God is interested in our every day lives and is very practical in His guidance! The Bible gives us clear steady hints and pieces of advice.

On Saturday November 2nd SOS Church has a seminar where we will focus on relationships, family and raising children. We start at 11 am and end at 3 pm. There will be something for everyone. Hints and advice to singles regarding the "holy hunt". Advice to couples already married on how we can build stronger and stay happy. Advice to parents on how to raise their kids.

Singles will get good advice on the "holy hunt"...

Everyone is welcome! Church members as well as people visiting from other churches. But maybe also your neighbors, working colleges and non-Christian friends.

See ya soon!