Jun 22, 2013

First Half Done

Here's a first summary after the third festival night in Mwanza, Tanzania. The crowd has grown from a shy 13,000 the first night to 20,000 and tonight around 25,000. We have prayed with around 5,000 precious people to salvation so far both in the outreaches and at the festival!

This man was mute when he came to the festival, Jesus healed him and here he is speaking in front of a roaring crowd!

Tonight's crowd was wild and around 2,000 people responded to my very radical salvation invitation. We are challenging witch power and superstition, and darkness has to flee in the name of Jesus and the light of God's Kingdom. Our "demon clinic" is filled every night with some 50 damaged victims from the witch doctors activity in this city.

Hips, backs and legs are being healed, the lame walk and the crippled are throwing their crutches! The deaf hear and the mute speak! Blind eyes are opened! Yes... that's right - Jesus has come to town! :)

The weekend starts tomorrow and we believe in larger crowds and more people saved!

Pray for us!

See ya!