Apr 9, 2013

Apostolic Authority and Protection!

I'm on my way home from Orlando, Florida after four intense but wonderful days. Sitting at a lounge in Frankfurt drinking Espresso, reading the Book of Proverbs, reflecting...

My mentor and spiritual dad, Ron Johnson, is leading an Apostolic Center in northern Orlando together with his Sandy. They have three daughter churches in the city and many sons and daughters both nationally and internationally who all lead successful churches. They have aggressive church planting plans for entire Florida!

Ron Johnson...

We met 12 years ago when I was in a season of transition after my first 9 years as an evangelist. I was longing for more. Wanted to plant churches, write books, start Bible Schools, mission bases, send out missionaries and train leaders. Ron and Sandy were with us and released all this and SOS started expanding powerfully and supernaturally through an obvious and new anointing from the Holy Spirit. The Johnson couple adopted us and we let them willingly! We submitted ourselves to their spiritual leadership and became contagious, in a holy way, with something that had to do with spiritual fatherhood. We experienced more persecution than before and sometimes it felt like hell was chasing after only us. But the relationship with the Johnson's and their network also created a wall of protection that was very obvious. Everything grew. Everything became heavier and more powerful. Everything became more simple. All of a sudden we had Apostolic breakthrough power!

Everyone need to submit to someone. Everyone needs to be accountable to someone that they can call dad. The anointing flows from top to toe (read Ps 133:2). The anointing is in, and resides in the submission, just like the protection, favor and grace. I believe in Apostolic leadership more than ever!

The weekend has been great! I had the privilege of speaking at three services at One Church (the mother church), but also at One Church Park District that is lead bu Justin Johnson (Ron's son). Many where saved and healed! One woman with scoliosis was healed; her back cracked and her shoulders and hips where aligned perfectly again! The Holy Spirit did the job without the laying on of hands or special prayer. She just listed to my message on "The Prayer of Faith" when it happened :). My faithful coworker, Peter, has been with me all weekend and served. We have recorded teachings for a Christian university and had telephone conferences regarding the work in Pakistan. I am so effective when Peter serves :).

Yesterday we rode Harley Davidsons, ate good and drank coffee in the sunshine. We saw alligators and had fun trying to catch lizards with our bare hands ;), laughed a lot and burned ourselves a little in the intense Florida sun... Lovely day! Thank you Jesus for life!

Above all, we did what I really came here for. The annual "confession" or, should we call it the "Apostolic advise". The mentor looks his son in the eyes and asks all the questions that no one else ever does. So delivering. Imagine to receive both correction, love and encouragement  Just imagine that the whip actually makes me a better person than the flattering. (Read Prov 10:17). Correction and a little spanking done in love does me well. I am sooo thankful for spiritual fatherhood!

I was so happily surprised yesterday when another spiritual dad called; Reinhard Bonnke! He lives in Orlando! :) It's always so great when Reinhard calls! We meet way to seldom, but speak on the phone now and then... Yesterday it was 15 precious minutes of heart-to-heart conversation in German. I don't know why we spoke in German, that's just the way it turned out. We were both tired and relaxed, that's when it's the best! ;) Reinhard really is wonderful! God is good!

See ya!