Nov 8, 2012

Back to Tanzania in 2013!

I'm praying a lot for our festivals next year... God has opened up this nation so beautifully for SOS. The pastors and churches we are working with are so solid, strong and great. Next summer we will be going back to do two festivals. One in June in the multi-million city Mawanza, located on Lake Victoria in the northwest and one in the city of Tanga at the coast.
Mwanza is Tanzania's second city with a population of around 2 million. Since it sits on Lake Victoria, a large number of the population has fishing as their main source of income. This is the home of the Sukuma people, who are known for their love of entertainment. A large group of the people are Animists, or have pagan beliefs and human sacrifices still exist. Albinos are sacrificed for success in life, business and family-life.
Mwanza city...

So, this is where Mwanza Signs & Wonders Festival will take place in June next year! This is a trip for our students at SOS Mission Bible School and our sister school in the US; MCM Ministry School, so it is not open for everyone. But, continue to read now and I'll tell you about a trip that you CAN join even if you're not one of our students this year;).

Four weeks after Mwanza it's time for Tanga Signs & Wonders Festival. Tanga is a city located on the coast, right on the Indian Ocean. It has a population of about half a million and is strictly Muslim. It is the second port city of the country and is known for its cement and sisal industry, 90% of the population are Muslim.
The festival ground in Tanga...

I am so looking forward to proclaim the good news about forgiveness though Jesus in these cities next summer! Join the team that is going to Tanga; the dates for the festival are July 17-21, but then you have to add some days for travel of course. Visit our website to sign up for this trip! Click here:)! We want a large monster-team from Sweden, Norway, the US and every other country I can think of with us to Tanga in July! Of course you should come!

See you in Tanzania next summer?! :)