Sep 7, 2012


At the Church Kick-Off for this fall we launched a new concept, 2x2x2;

1) That we pray for two non-Christian friends 2 minutes every day...
2) We fast two days for our friends to be saved...
3) We invite our two non-Christian friends to our Super Sunday October 7th...

It's time to write down the names of the people you want tose saved this fall! Schedule days of fasting in your calendar and make reminders in your phone. It's time to actively start preparing your friends for a magnificent show October 7th! I will speak on the theme; Celebrate Life! (Motivation for life, practical life coaching and alot of humour).

This fall we are really focusing on reaching out to those who need to come close to God and find a "city of refuge" on our capital Stockholm! Our church is a city of refuge for the hunted, broken and alone.

I will soon preach at SOS Youth! Tonight at 7 pm I will speak on "Being Connected Always", i.e. prayer, answer to prayer, the voice of the Spirit and miracles in everyday life...

Don't miss Super Sunday October 7th!

See ya!