Jun 4, 2012

Reflections in Pittsburgh

I just concluded a weekend at Allison Park Church, Northern Pittsburgh, had some chicken wings and coffee... I am enjoying life to the full! Have once again had the privilege to preach to thousands of people again and many have been saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit! Thank you Jesus! What a life I get to live!
Just imagine that God has given me all these faithful friends and partners all over the world and especially in the US and Norway...

I am flying home to Stockholm today. Preaching at home on Sunday and will fly to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on the East Coast of Africa next week. Signs & Wonders Festival and Apostolic Breakthrough Conference will be fantastic! I am longing!

I have been reflecting over margins and "chaches." A cache is someting that makes life so much easier. Cache, margins and a little extra in all areas is a great secret to a more sound life... Leadership is so much more than just being able to accomplish as much as possible all the time, it's also about living a long life with high quality. If you want your your leadership to attract people so they want to follow you from the heart, then listen... Have a little extra money saved and have some space in between the larger projects. An extra day off now and then and an extra hour off in between your long 2 do list... This will really make your day extra special and create feastivity in your everyday life. I have become much better at this these last three years, and as a result I am doing so much better. Some time off for hunting, fishing, riding my motorcycle and an extra day off with my family really makes the difference. Test it out! But, if you don't make space for this in your calendar, it won't happen...
Day off with my family at Dalarö a few weeks ago...

See ya!