Jun 13, 2012

Finally in Dar!

Festival week; I landed in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania late Monday night… Yesterday we had a press conference with the large magazines, TV and radio channels present and two of the national papers; The TanzabiaDaima and The Majira wrote about our festival, fun…

Today our Pastors Conference; Apostolic Breakthrough started. More than 2000 pastors attended, I taught one session and my good friends, Ron Johnson and Jeff Leake the rest of the day.
So many precious people ran into the arms of Jesus tonight and prayed a salvation prayer...

Around 13,000 people gathered this afternoon at Jangwani Ground in the middle of the city, lots of people saved, many miracles and Jesus delivered many people from evil spirits! Exciting to see what the Holy Spirit will do the rest of the week! I am sooo happy for this life!
This lady had been deaf on her left ear, tonight Jesus opened her ear and here she is here demonstrating her healing in front of a rejoicing crowd!
Tonight was the night of deliverance for this lady. The demons had forced her to throw herself into the fire, but here she is completely free, she was so happy!

See ya!