Apr 3, 2012

Day Off...

Woke up on the couch yesterday, had three pieces of toast and coffee ;). Enjoyed the aftertaste of a wonderful Sunday at SOS Church Stockholm. Lovely people, salvations and baptism in the Holy Spirit! Thought of all the good God has done in my life! All the festivals, miracles and surprises. The kids, friends, hunting memories, fishing trips, skiing trips, motor cycle vactions... God is just so good :)!

I just relaxed yesterday. Just chilled, took it soft, rested and did nothing. The Sabbath is another gift from God to me! He loves me! I'm His favorite! He is close to me! I love Him!
Sialkot, Pakistan April 2011...

Soon we'll have a festival in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania! Almost 200 people will go from Sweden, Norway and the US! Sooo exciting! What will the Holy Spirit do?!

Praying that God will give us larger facilities in Stockholm! We are growing! Yesterday we had 63 chikdren in SOS Kids!

See ya!