Jan 13, 2012

Good Routines!

Landed in the US yesterday. I've just been to the gym. Reading a good spiritual book and eating fruit. Drinking a lot... What are you talking about Johannes?! Oh, you are so curious ;).

Good routines and disciplines create a positive lifestyle. Nothing just happens. You sow and then reap you know... In all areas...

1) A strong inner life (Bible reading, prayer, fasting and a good confession)!
2) To win and train disciples of Jesus.
3) Workout on a regular basis and eat healthy.
4) To be generous when it comes to finances, faithful in tithing to the church, but also save.
5) To keep a curious, hungry and adventurous attitude through life.

2012 will be such a great year! Isaac will be born :)! Read Genesis 21:6!

See ya!