Dec 10, 2011


I'm pastoring home in Stockholm and enjoying it... Meetings with newly saved, life coaching conversations with church members, pre-marriage counseling, leadership gatherings, prayer meetings, teaching at our Bible College (first year) and speaking to our students in our pastoral training school (second year) about the Bible. Interesting subjects too; The Healing Ministry of Jesus in year one and; The Church in the Multi Cultural Society in the second year... Our students come from all over the world and are so ambitious. Yes, everything is actually really good! But, we are missing you! Apply to the school here! We are accepting students both in January and in August 2012!
I have meetings with business men and business men to-be, preparing my message for this Sunday's Celebration and having mentor-meetings with all my pastors (6 couples) this week... Soon we'll go on a cruise with 84 SOS leaders to Finland, so much fun!

I am enjoying myself like a king, love to build church in the capital of Sweden! Stockholm, my dear Stockholm... Stockholm is the city of my life-calling, I want to live, serve Jesus and wash the feet of the people here, and then die happy and full one day...

This Sunday we are baptizing again; so wonderful with all these changed lives!

I'm trying to work out, drive Adam to his karate lessons, Alicia to her riding lessons, shop, yes, everything that is a part of our everyday life... You probably know what I mean?
My son, Adam!

Our Christmas Show in SOS Church takes place next weekend, December 16-18, don't forget to buy tickets to all your coworkers, neighbors and friends.

See ya!