Nov 6, 2011


I'm constantly travelling; Norway - Sweden - Israel - Sweden - Tanzania - USA - Sweden etc... Love it, since it gives me a lot of time to pray, meditate on the Bible and reflect. Even if I always preach and teach when I am in a new place, travelling there, the flights, airports and hotels are lovely places to strengthen your inner life!
I miss my family when I'm on the road though; both the small and big one :). I am a real family person; love the Amritzer family and SOS Church with all my heart! I always miss you guys sooo much when I'm travelling, don't believe anything else. Sometimes I miss our kitchen in Tullinge that it hurts... Love our kitchen; everyone gathered, food, card games, chess, magazines, laughter, coffee, the kids, Maria and our friends! A sign right by our dining room table says; "Good Food. Good Friends. Good Times."

Today I met the church real quick. Tomorrow my family and I fly to Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania! On the agenda; Youth Conference and sarafi :)!

Thank you God for life!

See ya!