Apr 8, 2011

First Festival Night!

“Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.”
Romans 10:11

This is the scrpiture, from the Apostle Paul to the Romans, that we've been standing on these last couple of days here in Sialkot, Pakistan... The truck, loaded with our platform, sound and light broke down on its way here from Karachi and we got it through the tolls at 3am last night... Our practical crew haven't slept in over 40 hours now, they worked all night, all day and had 45% of SOS portable festival equipment ready for the opening meeting tonight! What heroes! We went through with the first festival meeting in raw, aggressive faith and with alot of stubbornness tonight ;)...

Our first festival meeting drew a crowd of about 15,000 people (figures very reductive)... A good start :). About 3,500 responded on a very clear salvation invitation and about 90% came to Jesus for the first time - hallelujah! Demon possessed were dragged out during miracle prayer and many shouted out their testimonies of how Jesus had healed them from the platform! Jesus healed many eyes and ears! A little boy, 1.5 years old had from birth had a large tumor in his groin, right beside his scrotum. He was carried up on stage and his mom and dad pulled down his pants, while screaming and crying, and held up their son over their heads for everyone to see - the tumor was gone :)! Everyone cheered and rejoiced!!! Sometimes it's a little wild when Jesus performs miracles!

We are tired and happy in the middle of the battle! Pray for us!

See ya!