Jan 17, 2011

Bikes and different breeds of dogs..

I’m having a day off today. I’ll be flying to Oslo, Norway this evening… Im teaching at FBO during three days (Filadelfia Bible School, Oslo). Right now I’m enjoying a cup of coffee together with Maria on the couch... Adam just came home from school. I am tired but relaxed… We’re discussing different dogs – it would be soo much fun to have a dog. We are weighing pros and cons and all the challenges that a new family member brings… :)

A few challenges;

-We travel a lot and would need a ”dog sitter” often.
-We would need to build a large pound in the garden.
-We have church members that are allergic.

If we decide to get a dog, I want a beagle, basset or a badger-dog, but Maria thinks a bit differently and so the conversation keeps going… A hunting, guard or a family dog? Maybe there is a combination?!

I know it’s a bit early, but I already long for bare ground and beautiful warm summer evenings. Why? Well… There is namely a red Harley Davidson in a garage and it belongs to the Amritzer family! Noisy joy! :)

Conversations and dreams on a Monday...

See ya!