Jan 3, 2011

2011 – the warrior awakes!

After a relaxing Christmas' and New Year’s break we had our first kick off – and vision casting Sunday yesterday. Vision casting Sunday no 2 will be held January 16 @ 2pm with a vision meeting for our members, and then at 4 pm - Celebration for everyone!

It is good to begin the year with prayer and fasting to be able to listen to what the Holy Spirit is whispering. I always enjoy the first days of January which usually is a time of prayer, cleansing, sanctification and preparation for the advances we will make during spring. Tomorrow evening the pastor’s team will gather for prayer and Wednesday we will have another leader gathering where we focus on prayer and Bible reading… 2011 is the year when “the warrior wakes up”… We are not ex-warriors, we continue to exercise, check our weapons and examine our gear in order to be able to go to war for the kingdom of God! The warfront is where we live our lives!

The battle front, bullet rain and gunpowder smoke are our right element. Sure it’s cozy with coffee and card games in the kitchen, but now it is time to preach the Gospel, train disciples and ignite fires in cities and people groups that still are living in demonic darkness!

Our life style is important! The disciplined SOS life style has sometimes been slandered and despised by soulish people in Christianity’s pacifist camps, but the warrior’s life style is still crucial in order to obtain victory. Jesus has already defeated the devil on the cross two thousand years ago! The devil’s desperate “retreat” war should still not be despised or ridiculed… There are many Christians who have done just that and this may also be the reason why they have fallen for one of the devil's flaming arrows… Our enemy is sinister, wily and smart. This is why we must continue to nourish and work with;

1) Strong inner lives (prayer, fasting and Bible meditation)…

2) Fellowship with non-Christians and discipleship train new saved every week..

3) Healthy livning, eating right, working out and spending time with our families..

I hear the Spirit whisper; ”2011 is the year when the warrior wakes up!”

Four festivals in Pakistan! Why don’t you join us this year?! SOS Mission Bible College or the Leader school! Why not apply this year?! 2011 is the year when you will baptize a new saved friend! 2011 is the year when you will be strong in helping new disciples become baptized in the Holy Spirit! 2011 is the year when you will cast out an evil spirit for the first time! 2011 is your year of breakthrough!

See ya!