Sep 11, 2010

Intense Days

We are working almost around the clock now... Sooo many newly saved and new members are coming to the church all the time... Conversations about baptism, questions about everything between heaven and earth, planning, preparing new messages and teaching sessions...

I am trying to get some workouts in as well and ride my motorbike as much as possible before fall comes for real... I'm pretty good shape now and my Harley works like clockwork :).

Alicia on my HD...

We are working intensly for the festival that takes place in Haiti in about a month...

The kids and I had a Bible study on the end times before they went to bed...

I've taught Faith two days at SOS Mission Bible College...

Today I preached about our top ten most important choices here on earth. To make the right decision, take control over and form your future is important... Life doesn't just happen, we choose life, direction and bright future! It's election times in Sweden, we are voting - for life!

See ya!