Jun 11, 2010

Reflections in the US

Last night we rode motor cycles all night, a whole gang crazy pastors, and ended the evening with hot wings at a biker night; a place where about 2500 bikers hang out outside of Pittsburgh, northern PA... I borrowed a great Harley Davidson :). Everything was perfect, the landscape, evening sun, wind in my face, the freedom and the guys - couldn't had been better!

Ignite Young Pastors Roundtable at Allison Park Church and Pastor Jeff Leake was amazing... About 150 pastors and leaders from all over the US gathered one day to do two things; get to know new people and talk and cast vision on church planting. The heroes gather. Pioneers of the best kind. Missionaries, church planters and people that make way for others that pray together and serve one another is a powerful thing and a very healthy invironment... Thank you Jeff and Melodie for the example you are, but also for being so excellent and great hosts for all of us!

Today I'm on my way to the Philadelphia area... Preaching at Morningstar Fellowship, Pastor Steve DeFrain's church four services this weekend... Fun! Wonderful church that also is planting many daughter churches...

Philadelphia- in my world it means the Rocky Balboa movies, cheese steak and the American Constitution...

I am right now reflecting on the word simpilicity... John the Baptist was a simple man that went before and made way, Jesus was a travelling teacher and miracle man, sometimes without a home, the Apostles and the first Christians had a simple lifestyle and shared everything...

Read: Mark 1:6, Luke 7:25, 9:57-62, Mark 8:34-37, 10:45...

Simplicity represents so much; freedom, for some finacial independence, flexibility, loss of prestige, happiness - everything at the same time... Simplicity is not to flee responsibility and become a vagrant or wanderer or a parasite that uses others, but instead live in contentedness and be a disciple of Jesus. Not poverty, but not luxury or a jetset lifestyle either... Disciplned, devoted, out giving and serving...


See ya!