Jun 24, 2010

The Kids...

I've had a couple of days off between the different tasks... My kids, Alicia (11 years) and Adam (9 years) came this weekend... They woke me up early Monday morning and wanted me to be their personal trainer at the hotel gym :)... We snuck out without bothering Maria too much... Had breakfast outside in the grass in the morning sun - sooo good! Then at the gym I took the role as the kids personal trainer ;). Wow how we laughed, worked out and screamed as we played "body builders" - haven't had so much fun in a long time :)! Then we went in the pool and played more games like "throw with little Adam" and "stand on daddy's shoulders" and "wrestling with the water boa" etc... :) We were in play mode! We were all alone in both the gym and the pool and could be really "loose"...

Alicia on Mike Corcoran's HD...

After that Alicia and I found a little café out in the country, had ice cream and some exclusive daddy-daughter time in the shadow of a large maple tree... Then we had lunch with three families at Burger King and off to Pittsburgh again. Ended the day in the Almqvist's sofa watching a movie. Thank You God for the kids! Alicia already thinks like a teenager and Adam has such a great sense of humor and answers fast and fun - wonder where he got these talents - must come from his great mom!

See ya!