We soo enjoyed Christmas day! And such a nice Christmas Eve! My Maria is the best! Maria had decorated and made everything so nice for all of us – I love my girl more than ever... We ate too much, the kids are playing all over the house with their new toys and Walter and I have been to Flemingsberg for a workout... We then enjoyed a great Christmas Day evening. My cell phone has been switched off almost the entire time and it continues to be – Hallelujah!
At the kitchen table we, (the Zunigas and Amritzers) read aloud from Living a Life of Fire by Reinhard Bonnke, his new autobiography just recently released. Slowly we read page by page, taking turns wiping tears and snot – no one remains untouched and it is impossible to not be caught by this fascinating life and we are all overtaken by passion for the Great Commission. The calling to the unreached peoples burns like a fire in both heart and bones! We have reached page 53 of the 628 wonderful pages in the book – lets hope that it never ends!

Buy the book – it is a must read for every missionary in the whole world!
We celebrated Christmas with the "Stockholm clan", a part of our now very large family. Just say and feel these wonderful immigrant names that celebrated Christmas together in Tullinge 2009 – Zuniga, Santos, Sedigis, Drevon, and Amritzer – 2 x Latino, Persian, Norwegian and then Austrian. It is not for nothing that we feel that we are to build a church focusing specifically on the first and second generation immigrants! Strangely enough the Swedes love our church as well and a devoted Swedish disciple is like a rock – thank You Jesus for Sweden and the Swedes! Christmas 2009 will be known in history as the perfect white Christmas – the Christmas of our dreams...

Tomorrow I will be at church twice. First at 11 am I will go to St Clara Church, also downtown Stockholm to hand over a check from SOS Church to their so impressive work among all the homeless people in Stockholm. I will then continue on to SOS Church at 4pm.
Please join us for continued Christmas celebrations both at St Clara Church and at Warfvinges väg 26 – Welcome!
See Ya!