We prayed with precious Stockholmers to salvation and baptism in the Holy Spirit this last Sunday again! SOS Church storms forward, is conquering meter by meter of satan's territory and transforms it into Kingdom territory! The dessert becomes a garden. Barren sand becomes fertil soil. Our nation's capital, Stockholm is once again Christianized when the constant relevant gospel of Jesus the Risen One is proclaimed! We will never give up. We battle for righteousness. We are light in the darkness, salt in the decay and a city on the hill that cannot be hidden! Jesus is building His church in the city and the devil doesn't have a chance! Our war cry is like that of the Salvation Army; Blod and Fire! Our food is to do His will that has sent us! Thank you Jesus that you called us to walk on water in wild pioneer work! You said come, and the water bear! The vision now grows stronger every week;
For all people to all nations, the Book of Acts in Stockholm and to the ends of the earth.
For all people to all nations, the Book of Acts in Stockholm and to the ends of the earth.

I saw the movie 300 Sagain on Sunday evening! 300 death fearing men of Sparta's King Leonidas meet hundreds of the Persian King Xerxes' soldiers and in a narrow mountain pass. The 300 free men fight and die to defend their city. They die free and with honor and respect. They refuse to become slaves. Their song was the song of freedom!
The parallell to the Jew's judge and army leader Gideon is obvious to a Bible reader. Gideon, who managed to to drive away the oppressive and attacking Midianites with only 300 men. God gave the victory! (Judges chapter 6-8).
God gives the victory! We are pioneers in SOS, warriors and church planters! Our prayer is; God give us Stockholm! God give us the unreached people groups!
See ya!