We visited the upper room in Jerusalem yesterday - wow it was so great! When we arrived there we were met by about 200 Latinos from Honduras, Costa Rica and Venezuela that were worshipping, celebrating the Lord's supper and many beautiful tears streamed down the cheek... I preached about the "Day of Pentecost" and the four different ways of speaking in tongues in the New Testament. Then we prayed for those that had yet not started speaking in tongues, and 7 people were baptized in the Holy Spirit and started speaking in tongues. We prayed, prophecied and fell out on the streets afterwards just like the first Christians 2000 years ago! So good! We saw Jerusalem panorama from the Mount of Olives and visited Gethsemane were Jesus prayed the night through and was taken capture...
New for this trip: Omid (my newly saved friend, personal trainer and travel buddy) start every morning with a Bible study, then we work out hard before we meet the group. Life is great, fat and fantastic... SOS Church just has to make a trip here some time in the future with adventure and youth focus!
The Garden Grave... I just preached "Jesus the Risen One" at Golgatha and the Garden Grave and seven people were saved!
See ya!