Yesterday we visited "Tom Tits Experiment" in Södertälje - such a great family trip! Tom Tits Experiment is a huge physics, chemistry, tech and anatomy lab for both kids and adults... Kind of a museum where you get to participate in the research and discover yourself... It was $87.50 for the entire family, but you got so much for that amount! We laughed, goofed off, learned many new things and the hours just flew away... My kids dad skipped quite a few chemistry and physics classes in high school so this was sort of a good level of "adult education" for him ;).
Today I'm leading Prayer School at SOS Mission Bible College and then I'm having a whole day with our School of Leadership. So wonderful, ambitious and talented people we have there... I'm enjoying the thought that we have already baptized new believers three Sundays in a row in SOS Church. We have baptized four Sundays out of eight since the launch the last weekend of August... It's still way to little, but the snowball has begun moving and soon it will take off with great speed down the hill and hopefully bring a huge avalanche with it... We have baptized 16 people in SOS Church! New believers are constantly signing up to step down into the water, bury their old life to resurrect and start a new life. God - I pray for Stockholm...
See ya!