Sep 3, 2009

On The Way to Harvest Cry, Norway, part 1 …

Tomorrow morning I will take the commuter train to Stockholm Central Station at 5 am and then Arlanda Express to the airport... My flight to Oslo departs at 730am. I am so looking forward to Harvest Cry in Arendal! Our Norwegian staff are a bunch of wild, professional people and full of initiative, with Ari Mathiesen as the spear head! Daniel Elvelyck, principle for SOS Mission Bible College and the SOS School of Leadership has already arrived with a team from SOS Church, after making the trip yesterday by car... We have several bands this year (click here for more info...) and I am standing in faith for a strong presence of God in all the concerts and gatherings, a great response to all the altar calls and a breakthrough in every service, with miracles and baptisms in the Holy Spirit! God my prayer is for you to send more Norwegians to attend our Bible College and then on to our mission bases for the sake of the unreached!

Next week it will be time for Harvest Cry, Norway, part 2 in the Southern city of Kristiansand! Wow, how SOS is growing! Thank you Jesus! Ari Mathiesen, Kenneth Thorsland, Aslak Bestul and Terje Govertsen and others are outstanding leaders and warriors for the Kingdom of God and some of Mission SOS strongest covenant partners!

Ari Mathiesen with familj...

Besides all this, I am at the moment working a lot on my leadership teaching... The School of Leadership and my gatherings with the pastor team in Stockholm demands more and more of me – a pressure that forces both myself and our leaders to grow – hallelujah! Today I have taught from Tommy Barnett's teaching… Tommy Barnett (Phoenix, AZ) has been in full time ministry for over 55 years now...

Pastor Tommy Barnett...

A short summary from today's teaching:

1) Focus on “soul winning” is the only thing that gives a department of the church the right to exist.

2) The miracle and all the knowhow that we need is already in the house, ie the church – so search among the sons and daughters.

3) Dream big and dare to dream again.

4) The church must reach out to the homeless and hurting people.

5) The church will cooperate with local artists and celebrities in regional charity events.

6) Illustrative and creative sermons.

7) Serve God together with your family – Tommy's entire family is in full time ministry along side dad.

8) Many departments based upon a need and a possibility for every one with a dream to be given the opportunity to see it some to pass under the umbrella of the church.

A quote: "Find a need and fill it. Find a hurt and heal it."

See Ya!