I'm having a stop over in Stockholm today, on my way to Hamar, Norway and Hedmarktoppen Summer Conference... Preaching three times there tomorrow... I'm looking forward to this very much - I love the Norwegian Pentecostals!
Yesterday I preached in Priest Lennart Åström's church, Edefors Church (Harads, Northern Sweden)... Lennart loves the Holy Spirit! So wonderful people! One lady from Burundi was baptized in the Holy Spirit as she was kneeling down at the altar rail during prayer time. She was so happy when the speaking in tongues loosened and came across her lips... Even a pretty rough festival evangelist and missionary like me can become a little poetic in the State Church setting ;). I had the priviledge to lead the entire church in the "Apostolic Confession" after my message. It is good!

Edefors Church...
I'll preach on "Power" at the Scandinavian summer conferences this year! Power Christianity! People's lives are not changed through super relevant, hip and cool preaching, but through the power of the Holy Spirit! The power of the cross and the gospel! The power of the blood and the Holy Spirit!
See ya!