Jun 16, 2009

The Press Bench...

I have just been at my friend Lucas Gonzales' sweaty basement gym. He is very well trained and has coached me while I have been here in Youngstown, Ohio... The day before yesterday I worked breast, triceps, and biceps and this evening back, shoulders, and stomach...

I love the press bench. Actually our whole life is like a press bench... Muscles are formed under pressure and resistance and our stamina increases leading to stronger breakthroughs for spirit, soul and body. Thank you God for the press bench of life! I like to think that way when I am slandered, accused and blamed for all kinds of things, both the possible and the impossible. I try to think that this benefits me in the long run when people talk behind my back and hurt me. It is like aches from excessive exercise – you withstand, press on, focus and continue on. Thank you God for the press bench and a cold glass of water! Thank you God for fasting, prayer and the life of a missionary!

On Wednesday Harvest Cry starts in Gettysburg with close to 15 churches involved in a unique partnership for people's salvation. We need to keep focus. Maria, the kids and I are believing God for deliverances, transformed lives, powerful baptisms in the Spirit and many healing miracles! Thank you Jesus for breakthroughs! Thank you Jesus for the press bench!

PS: Why don't you join Göran Duveskog, Daniel Viklund and myself to Israel this fall? E-mail info@duvres.nu for more information!

See Ya!