Last night I had a service with four churches here in Detroit - what a priviledge! So mature and prestige less pastors that only want to reach their city with the gospel! I'm enjoying the sweet after-taste of hanging out with them... Maria had bought a little dress for Pastor Brad and Leah's little newborn daughter - today we'll see the little threasure - wonderful!
Listening to good music in my Ipod, enjoying the presence of the Holy Spirit... Pondering a little... Soon gonna open my Bible again... Reading the Book of Acts right now... Thinking like this... What is Christianity really? What defines the Christian faith? Ok?

1) Jesus. The gospel stories and descriptions of the Son and His disciples...
2) The Book of Acts - the Christian history book. The first Christians and the first Christian church...
3) Maybe even the absolute first church history, that is, the first 400 years or so...
What did Jesus do according to the gospels? What did the first disciples do according to the Book of Acts?
1) Preached the Kingdom of God.
2) Drove out demons.
3) Healed the sick.
4) Trained and taught disciples.
5) Walked on water, calmed storms, multiplied food, raised the dead and did different sign-miracles...
The first Christians:
1) Meet angels.
2) Received the fire of the Spirit, its presence and spoke in tongues.

3) Baptized new believers in water.
4) Healed the sick.
5) Prayed.
6) Were in prison.
7) Were stoned and persecuted.
8) Casted out demons.
9) Conveyed the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
10) Were pulled up and moved to other places.
11) Meet Jesus in revelations.
12) Saw visions and received visions.
13) Started house churches.
14) Ordained new leaders - deligated - multiplied themselves.
15) Travelled a lot and lived in "gripsack."
16) Were accused and slandered for all sorts of stuff.
17) Suffered trials.
18) Meet new cultures, people groups and were constantly experiencing new adventures...
I Think I'll end the list there... This is Christianity! I want to be a disciple of Jesus! Love this life... Is reaching for sign-miracles and want to have more faith and and think bigger!
Coffee and the Bible is waiting now and another exciting day with the Holy Spirit...
See ya!