Apr 15, 2009

Young with an Appetite for Life!

But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit... Numbers 14:24

Moses sent 12 scouts behind enemy lines and one of them was Caleb. When Caleb was 40 years old God said that his spirit was different... How?! well, Caleb was probably very offensive, "on the ball," maybe a little too much, passionate, a fighter, loud, generous, "criminally happy" and loved life! Caleb was a pioneer and fighter! When Caleb turned 85 he said to his friend Josua: I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out... and; I'm just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then... Jos 14:11. Was that so? Sure! Youth's vigour and an appetite for life comes from the inside. I've met old 17 year olds and young 77 year olds...

I had oatmeal
with bananas for breakfast today and I'm Bible meditating on the gospel of Mark, shopping, packing and working out... I'm on a mission, that is; festival in Thailand and conferences in the US and Austria... I've never felt younger and happier ;). I do think the pioneer spirit is over me ;).

I have a personal trainer and health food adviser now, I never thought that would happen, but you know, mircles do happen ;). I'm following a food and work out program, that will be a challenge with all the time changes and constant jetlag... But as you know there are no problems, just challenges right?!

I chatted with my wife Maria who's in Thailand it seems like the national water festival is going on in the streets and markets, seems like they are having a lot of fun... Maria and the kids are living life and daddy's coming soon! Buddhists will meet the risen Jesus and miracles will take place!

See ya!