Apr 12, 2009

Don't be a Coward!

U2's singer, Bono

What does the Irish U2 singer Bono and the actor Mel Gibson have in common? What unites the actor Tom Hanks with the boxer Evander Holyfield? What did the eventor Isaac Newton and the eventor of the airplane, the Wright Brothers, have as their inspiration and source of creativity? What did the authors J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis share besides friendship? The answer is: the FAITH. All these super celebreties, either in our time or in past times had this in common that they were not cowards with their faith in Jesus but instead are and were radical Christians.

Mel Gibson

Evander Holyfield

To be known and have a sphere of influence in society does not have to be synonomous with being a coward, quiet, and liberal diplomatic... No! Swedish Christian celebrites - come out of the closet! We need you on the baricades for the Kingdom of God! I often pray for Lars Adaktuson, news anchor, Sivert Öholm, reporter and talk show host, and our beloved singer Carola! Continue to stand firm, be salt and light! Go, go, go! I believe many celebreties will be saved in the near future!

By the way, don't miss SOS Church's Easter Party this afternoon at 4 pm at restaurant Mai Thai! Click here for directions...

See ya before the throne of God in prayer for Stockholm and Sweden!